ISA SUP Surfing Instructor Course

Hong Kong Surf & Stand Up Paddle Association is now hosting ISA SUP Surfing Instructor Course, aims to train SUP Surf coaches with the correct coaching techniques in order to avoid unnecessary accidents for students, as well as spreading the sport to the community. Hong Kong Surf & Stand Up Paddle Association invites all those who intend to become professional SUP Surfing instructors to participate and become part of the Hong Kong SUP Surfing sport development.

Program Details


ISA Presenter:
Jamo Borthwick from Australia (TBC)

ISA Certified
The Course aims to train professional SUP surfing instructors who can teach under international aquatic safety standards
Participants who complete all course content (including a 10-hour internship period) within one year will receive ISA SUP Surf Instructor Certificate (valid for one year)

ISA Flat Water SUP Instructor

How to Qualify
1. 100% attendance and complete 1 day full-time course

2.  Pass the test for SUP surf teaching and personal SUP surfing technique (can be completed within one year)

3.  Complete a 10-hour internship and be certified by a qualified ISA supervisory coach (can be completed within one year)

4. Copy of valid open water lifeguard card (Can be submitted within one year)

Personal SUP Surfing Technique

(Please reference to Skill Assessment Workbook)

Entry and transition off beach in 1m waves, competently and confidently negotiating the impact zone

Take off on unbroken waves

 Complete a basic cut back

Traverse across the wave to both the left and right (forehand and backhand)

Safely pull off and exit wave

Safely return to shore




If you are interested in this course, please contact us and let us know. As HKSURFSUP will only open the course if there are enough interested participants.