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Race Introduction

The Hong Kong SUP Sprint Race is scheduled for May 21, 2023 !

The race will focus on short-distance sprints, with each participant racing at least twice regardless of their results. The race will also be divided into different groups based on age and board type.

We invite all stand-up paddling enthusiasts to join our race and compete against other Hong Kong SUP athletes in the beautiful scenery of Kei Ling Ha. This is the perfect opportunity to test your skills and improve yourself ahead of other races in July and September!

香港直立板衝刺賽將於 2023 年 5 月 21 日舉行!


我們誠邀所有直立板愛好者加入今次的比賽,在美麗的企嶺下海中與其他香港直立板運動員一較高下。如果你過往有一直有參加訓練班,今次的衝刺賽絕對係測試你訓練成果的好機會,亦同時可以為黎緊 7 月同 9 月既比賽熱一熱身,於賽後檢討並繼續提升自己既直立板技巧!

Race Details

Date 日期

21 / 5 / 2023

Venue 地點

Kei Ling Ha San Wai 企嶺下新圍 

Race Groups 比賽組別*

Men’s Open 男子公開組
(Age 年齡:No limit 沒有限制 )

Women’s Open 女子公開組 
 (Age 年齡:No limit 沒有限制 )

Men’s Adult Group A 男子壯年 A 組
(Age 年齡:35-44 )

Men’s Adult Group B 男子壯年 B 組 
(Age 年齡:≥ 45 )

Women’s Adult Group A女子壯年 A 組 
(Age 年齡:35-44 )

Women’s Adult Group B 女子壯年 B 組 
(Age 年齡:≥ 45 )

Board types for groups above: hard boards or inflatables less than 14’ in length
以上組別板型限制:14 尺或以下的硬板或充氣板

Men’s Youth 男子青年組   
(Age 年齡:≤ 17 )

Women’s Youth 女子青年組 
(Age 年齡:≤ 17 )

Men’s iSUP 男子充氣板組
 (Age 年齡:No limit 沒有限制 )

Women’s iSUP 女子充氣板組
 (Age 年齡:No limit 沒有限制 )

Board types for groups above: inflatables less than 14’ in length
以上組別板型限制:14 尺或以下的充氣板

*If there are less than 4 people in any group, the participants of this group may be merged into other groups 若任何一組人數不足 4 人,該組別參賽者可能會合併至其他組別

Race Categories 比賽項目
200 meters short distance sprint

200 米短途衝刺

Race Format

Each racer will compete in 3 races, and their total score will be calculated by adding up the points earned in each race.
(In case of a tie, the racer with the faster total time in the 3 races will have priority)



Fees & Rental

Registration Fee 報名費用

200 meters short distance sprint (All Groups) 200 米短途衝刺 (不論組別)
每位 $480 / Head

Hard Board Rental 硬板租借

每塊 $200 / Board

Inflatable Board Rental 充氣板租借

Free 費用全免

Notice 注意事項

1. Equipment is limited and will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. 裝備數量有限,以參賽者的報名先後次序作安排。

2. We do not offer walk-in rental services. Please book your rental in advance. 不設現場租借服務,請先預約。

Jersey Size

Sprint Race 2023

Race Venue

Blue Sky Sports Club Kei Ling Ha Centre

No. 16, Kei Ling Ha San Wai
企嶺下新圍 16 號地下

Race Schedule

08:00 – 08:30
Racer Registration 選手登記 

08:30 – 08:45
Equipment Preparation 器材準備 

08:45 – 09:00
Marshall 比賽召集 

09:00 – 09:10
Men’s Adult Group 男子壯年組  – Race 1 

09:15 – 09:25
Men’s Open Group 男子公開組  – Race 1 

09:30 – 09:40
Women’s Open Group 女子公開組 – Race 1 

10:00 – 10:10
 Men’s Adult Group 男子壯年組 – Race 2

10:15 – 10:25
 Men’s Open Group 男子公開組 – Race 2

10:30 – 10:40
Women’s Open Group 女子公開組  – Race 2

11:00 – 11:10
Men’s Adult Group 男子壯年組  – Race 3

11:15 – 11:25
Men’s Open Group 男子公開組 – Race 3

11:30 – 11:40
Women’s Open Group 女子公開組  – Race 3

11:45 – 12:30
 Lunch 午膳

12:30 – 12:45
Prize Presentation 頒獎禮 

Race schedule is subjected to change 比賽時間表可能會有更改 

Race Route

Race Registration

Training Registration

Free Trial Registration

Payment Method 付款方式

1. Online Credit Card 網上信用卡
 (Visa / Master / AE / Union)

or 或 

2. Bank transfer 銀行轉賬
Bank of China 012-818-1-022092-5

Safety Guidelines

1. All participants must wear personal buoyancy aids/ leash during the race, otherwise result in disqualification.
(Personal buoyancy aids include life jackets, inflatable purses, inflatable vests, etc.) 所有參加者直立板時必須穿著個人浮具/腳繩,否則取消參賽資格 (個人浮具包含救生衣,充氣腰包,充氣背心等)

2. Follow the instructions of the safety boat 需要聽隨大會安全艇指示

Adverse Weather Arrangement

The race will be cancelled if tropical cyclone warning signal no.3 or above or if a red or black rainstorm signal is hoisted by Hong Kong Observatory at 5:30 am on race day. 若比賽當天早上5時半香港天文台已發出3號或以上熱帶氣旋信號紅雨或黑雨暴風信號比賽將會取消。

Therefore, participants of the race are highly recommended to check the weather forecast on the night before the competition or at 5:30 am on race day. 參賽者敬請在比賽前一天留意天氣情況。有關賽事安排,請於比賽當日早上5時30分留意各大電台或電視台之廣播。

The race organizer is not responsible to inform participants that the race is cancelled due to the aforementioned weather condition. 大會保留是次活動的最終決定權,任何有關活動臨時改動或消息將以大會公布為準。

Health and Safety Advices

Participants are advised to take appropriate measures against sunburn and hypothermia/hyperthermia by applying sunscreen and wearing appropriate clothing.

Keep your body hydrated by drinking non-alcoholic/caffeine-free beverage to recover the water lost during the race.

As the race will start at the beach or near the residential area, participants are advised to minimize the noise level and keep the area clean by disposing of the rubbish appropriately.


Public liability is covered by the organizer, and participants can insure themselves if they feel necessary.

Participant Notices

Participants must read the ‘Rules and Regulations carefully. Participants who completed the registration process agreed to abide by the Rules and Regulations of the race that they signed up for.

Paddlers are responsible that their health condition is suitable to take part in the race. In cases of doubt, please seek medical advice before entering the race.

Once the entry is accepted, the entry fee and submitted materials are non-refundable & non-transferable under any circumstances. Repeated entries to the same race will be counted as a single entry. The extra entry fee is non-refundable and cannot be transferred to another applicant or race. Also, the submitted materials will not be returned.

All prizes are not redeemable for cash.

Rules and Regulations

All participants must register for their race entry at the registry 30 mins before the race start time published in the official race run-down. Failure to comply shall result in disqualification from the race. 所有參賽者必須於賽事開始前不少於30分鐘前報到,不遵守將導致比賽資格被取消。

All participants must wear their race jerseys assigned by HKSURFSUP during the race. A leash or Personal Floating Device is mandatory and must be worn during the race. 所有參賽者必須穿著大會分派之號碼衫作賽,並於比賽期間戴上連板腳繩或救生衣。

Entry categories and bibs are non-transferable. Violation will result in disqualification and no refund of the entry fee will be entertained. 所有參賽者不能轉讓其參賽名額及號碼布或與他人轉換組別。一經證實,有關參賽者的參賽資格將被取消,其報名費將不獲退還。

Participants who use their own SUP board, paddle, and PFD for the race should meet the requirement of HKSURFSUP. 參賽者可自備直立板、划槳及個人救生器材,但必須合乎大會比賽規格。

Participants will be disqualified if they do not start at the designated race category and start time assigned by the organizer. No result and finisher medals will be issued to those participants. 若參賽者沒有按照其指定參加之組別及時間起步,大會將取消其參賽資格。有關參賽者亦不會獲發成續及完賽獎牌。

The Chief Judge will announce three start commands (one minute, thirty seconds, and ten seconds) before the start of the race. If any racer makes a false start on the first start, the race will be restarted. If another false start was made by any racer afterward, that racer will be directly disqualified from the race. 總裁判將於比賽開始前發出三次起步口令 (一分鐘、三十秒及十秒)。若第一次起步有參賽者偷步,比賽將重新起步。若再有參賽者偷步,將直接取消參賽資格。

All races will start with a water start. All participants should use a single-blade paddle and should be in a standing position on their board during the race. 所有比賽項目均以水中起步形式進行起步。起步後,所有參賽者必須使用直立板單槳及以站立姿勢賽畢全程。

All participants are not allowed to take more than 5 strokes while lying, kneeling, or sitting on their board during the race. 所有參賽者若在比賽期間不慎掉進水中,在返回板上後不可伏划、跪划或坐划多於 5 槳。

All participants should note the hand signals to be used during an emergency. Hold up and wave your paddle or put both hands up (for emergency) to signal the race official / safety staff if help is required in case of injury, illness, or distressing situation. 所有參賽者應注意使用手勢信號。 如需協助、遇到受傷或危險,參賽者應高舉並揮動槳 (緊急情況) 或雙手以示需要安全人員協助。

For a category with less than 4 participants to take part, HKSURFSUP reserves the right to cancel the race. 若任何組別的參賽人數不足4人,本會保留取消該組別決定權。

HKSURFSUP committee reserves the right to check the identification of any participants. 本會有權要求參賽者出示有效身份證明文件供大會工作人員查核。

HKSURFSUP committee reserves the right to refuse entry into any races at its sole discretion. 本會有權拒絕任何參賽者參賽,而不需作出任何解釋。

Any participant who severely contravenes the rules and regulations of the disciplinary code will be disqualified, and are not entitled to any prize and awards. 任何參賽者如有嚴重違反競賽規則或紀律行為,可被取消參賽資格及所獲之獎項。

HKSURFSUP has the final decision on race results and will not accept any dispute or appeal of the race results at any time. 本會對賽事成續保留最終決定權及不設上訴機制 。

All participants grant permission to the organizer or its agent to use any photographs, videos, or any other record of the event for any lawful purpose including advertisement. 所有參加者授權予大會及其代理商使用任何有關賽事之相片、錄像及賽事紀錄作任何合法用途包括活動宣傳之用 。

If any accident or injury occurred during the race, the organizer will provide assistance immediately and may suspend or cancel the event to conduct rescue operation. 如活動過程中出現意外或受傷,大會將會優先顧及人身安全並盡快提供援助。大會將會因應當時情況而作出暫停、延遲賽事之決定。

Contact Us

We are looking for brand cooperation and sponsors, if you’re interested, please send an e-mail to race@hksurfsup.org
如有公司想贊助賽事或比賽當日擺放展位,請跟我們聯絡: race@hksurfsup.org

Sponsor Details 贊助資訊https://hksurfsup.org/sponsorship