Co-organizers & Sponsors

Race Introduction
The epidemic has ravaged Hong Kong for two years with ups and downs from time to time which caused fewer opportunities for paddlers to participate competitive races. In order to let all SUP paddlers to reignite their passion and enthusiasm in stand up paddling, the Hong Kong Surf & Stand Up Paddle Association will hold a SUP Time Trial Challenge to let all SUP paddlers to challenge themselves and compete with others!
新冠疫情肆虐香港兩年,時有起伏,大大影響了市民進行水上活動的機會,遑論是競技比賽,失去了與別人交流切磋,提升能力的機會。為了讓一眾志同道合的朋友重拾起對直立板運動的興趣及熱情,本會將於六月下旬舉辦 「直立板計時挑戰賽」,以讓一眾直立板好手挑戰自己並和其他本地直立板友決一高下!
Race Details
Date 日期
25/6 – 10/7
Race Format 比賽形式
Participants will use a GPS watch or phone to record their paddling time and distance on specific dates (25/6 – 3/7) and at specific venues.
參賽者可於指定日期內 (25/6 – 10/7) 自行選擇時間,並於指定地點利用 GPS 手錶或電話紀錄划行時間及距離。
Race Groups 比賽組別
Men’s Open (Aged 18 or above)
男子公開組 (18歲或以上)
Women’s Open (Aged 18 or above)
女子公開組 (18歲或以上)
Men’s Youth (Aged 17 or below)
男子青年組 (17歲或以下)
Women’s Youth (Aged 17 or below)
女子青年組 (17歲或以下)
Men’s Adult (Aged 35 or above)
男子壯年組 (35歲或以上)
Women’s Adult (Aged 35 or above)
女子壯年組 (35歲或以上)
Race Categories 比賽項目
Men’s Open 2 KM iSUP Race
男子公開組 2公里充氣板賽
Women’s Open 2 KM iSUP Race
女子公開組 2公里充氣板賽
Men’s Open 3 KM Race
男子公開組 3公里賽
Women’s Open 3 KM Race
女子公開組 3公里賽
Men’s Adult 3 KM Race
男子壯年組 3公里賽
Women’s Adult 3 KM Race
女子壯年組 3公里賽
Men’s Youth 1 KM Race
男子青年組 1公里賽
Women’s Youth 1 KM Race
女子青年組 1公里賽
Board Type 板型限制
For 3 & 1 km races – any hard boards or inflatables no longer than 14′ (Bring your own or rent from the race venue)
3公里及1公里賽 – 14 尺或以下直立板/充氣板 (可用自帶板或租賃大會提供的競速硬板)
For 2 km inflatable race – any inflatables no longer than 14′ (Bring your own or rent from the race venue)
2公里充氣板賽 – 14 尺或以下充氣直立板 (可用自帶板或租賃大會提供的充氣板)
Race Route
Beacons / Buoys will be setup at each venue with a 500m distance. Participant will need to circle around the planned buoys to complete the time trial.
1 km = 1 lap / 1公里賽事=1圈
2 km = 2 laps / 2公里賽事=2圈
3 km = 3 laps / 3公里賽事=3圈
Race Venue
Blue Sky Sports Club Sha Ha Centre
Sha Ha Road, Sai Kung
Blue Sky Sports Club Kei Ling Ha Centre
No. 16, Kei Ling Ha San Wai
企嶺下新圍 16 號地下
J&J Water Sports Centre
J&J 水上活動中心
Block B, Cheung Chau Kwun Yam Water Sports Centre
長洲觀音灣水上康樂活動中心 B 座
Po Toi O Water Sports Centre
No. 20B, Po Toi O Cheun, Clear Water Bay
清水灣布袋澳村 20B 地下
Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre
Stanley Main Beach
Timing & Tracking
Time trial participants are required to use Strava to track their time and GPS location to ensure fairness of the competition.
計時賽參與者必須使用 Strava 追踪他們的時間和 GPS 位置,以確保比賽的公平性。
How to use 紀錄方法
Download Strava in your phone and smart watch / GPS watch, then record your trial attempts and upload it to Strava.
If you do not have a compatible watch, you can use the phone by itself to track and record.
請先於電話內下載 Strava ,然後利用 GPS 或智能手錶紀錄時間、距離及划行路線,並把紀錄同步上傳至 Strava。
若沒有GPS手錶,請直接使用電話內的 Strava應用程式進行紀錄。
Directly using the phone to record consumes a lot of power, please make sure the phone is fully charged before timing.
Strava 詳細指南請參閱:
Result submission
Use the sharing function on the Strava app or take a screenshot and send your results by email to Please also provide your name, race event and category in the email.
利用 Strava 應用程式上的分享功能或以截圖方式,把成績以電郵傳送至 ,請同時於電郵內提供你的姓名、比賽項目及組別。
Click here to learn how to use Strava
點擊這裡查閱 Strava 詳細使用教學
Attention 注意事項
1. The screenshot must include the travel time, distance and route.
2. Result with missing information will not be regarded as valid, and each participant can only submit the results once.
3. Cheating is strictly forbidden. Once found, the participants will be disqualified from the competition.
4. In case of any disputes over awards and rankings, the Association reserves the right of final decision.
1. 截圖內必需包含划行時間、距離及路線。
2. 缺失任何一項均不會視作為有效成績,而且每位參賽者均只能提交成績一次。
3. 比賽期間不得作弊,一經發現,參加者將被本會取消比賽資格。
4. 如對於獎項及名次有任何爭議,本會保留最終決定權。
Complete and submit the registration form below and transfer the required registration fee.
Registration Deadline 截止報名日期
Registration Fee 報名費
$110 / 項目, $110 per event
Each participant can only sign up for one event
Payment Method 付款方式
Bank transfer:
Bank of China 012-818-1-022092-5
Please send us the receipt to or WhatsApp 9770 0451 after payment, we will only confirm your registration after we receive the receipt.
中國銀行 012-818-1-022092-5
付款後請將收據發送至 或 WhatsApp 至 9770 0451,我們將在收到收據後確認您的報名。
Equipment Rental
The number of SUP boards is limited, please do not pay without confirmation from the staff
All venues provides SUP equipment rental for the time trial event.
Price differs at each location, please contact us to reserve your equipment if needed.
By email: or WhatsApp 9770 0451
電郵: / WhatsApp 9770 0451
Blue Sky Sports Club Sha Ha Centre
Fee 費用 = FREE 免費
(Hard Board & Inflatable 硬板及充氣板)
Time 時段:1000 – 1200 / 1230 – 1430 / 1500 – 1700
Blue Sky Sports Club Kei Ling Ha Centre
Fee 費用 = $180 / Full Day 全日
(Hard Board & Inflatable 硬板及充氣板)
Time 時段:1000 – 1700
J&J Water Sports Centre
J&J 水上活動中心
Fee 費用 = $250 / 3 hours 小時
(Hard Board 硬板)
Time 時段:1000 – 1300 / 1400 – 1700
Po Toi O Water Sports Centre
Fee 費用 = $100 / 2 hours 小時
(Hard Board & Inflatable 硬板及充氣板)
Time 時段:1000 – 1300 / 1400 – 1700
Hiwindlover Water Sport Centre
Hard Board 硬板費用:$200 / 1 hour 小時
Inflatable 充氣板費用:$150 / 1 hour 小時
時段:1000 – 1700
Gold Award for 1 & 3 KM Race 1及3 公里金獎
Molokai Paddle Bag 槳袋 + Seame.SUP T-Shirt
Sliver Award for 1 & 3 KM Race 1及3 公里銀獎
Molokai Dry Bag 防水袋 10L
Bronze Award for 1 & 3 KM Race 1及3 公里銅獎
Molokai Calendar 精美月曆
Gold Award for 2KM Race 2公里金獎
Molokai Inflatable SUP backpack 充氣板袋 + Seame.SUP T-Shirt
Sliver Award for 2KM Race 2公里銀獎
Molokai Dry Bag 防水袋 10L
Bronze Award for 2KM Race 2公里銅獎
Molokai Calendar 精美月曆
此外所有參加者均會獲得完賽獎牌一枚、完賽 T-Shirt 一件及電子完賽證書一張。
In addition, all participants will receive a finisher medal, a finisher T-Shirt and a certificate of achievement.
T-shirt size 尺碼選擇:S / M / L / XL
Award Sponsors

Frequently asked questions
Will there be staff to provide assistance during the race?
No. There will be no staff to assist you. Competitors must complete the race themselves from start to finish.
I don’t have a GPS watch, can I join?
Of course you can, you can download the Strava app directly in your phone for timing and tracking, but please make sure your phone is fully charged before conducting the trial.
我沒有 GPS手錶,是否能夠參與比賽?
當然可以,您可以直接於手機內下載 Strava 應用程式進行計時,但於計時前請確保手機電量充足。
Do I really need to paddle the exact distance specified?
No need. However, your race distance must exceed the minimum limit of each category. For example, in a 3km time trial, your final race distance can be 3,018 meters, but not 2,993 meters.
Can I do multiple trials for the competition?
Yes, you can make multiple attempts. But please keep in mind that you can only submit your results to us once, so please choose the best one to submit.
Can I use the tides or wind to my advantage?
Yes, there are no restriction regarding that as observing the weather and water condition is part of the sport.
Terms & Conditions
- Participants must study the event rules and regulations carefully. Upon submission of your application of entry, a participant is deemed to have accepted all Terms and Conditions of the Event, the Official Rules as stipulated and also to those that may be later introduced by the Organiser/Event Producer.
- Participants understand and agree that participation in the Event is voluntary and at the own risk of participants. Each participant agrees to absolve the Organiser, Event Producer and any sponsor and/or supporting organisations from any and all liabilities arising from bodily injuries, accidents, death or other losses during or caused by travelling to and from the event venue during the event or whatsoever reason.
- Each participant shall be physically fit and have the ability to participate in the Event. The Organiser/Event Producer reserves the right to disallow/disqualify any person who is known or suspected by the Organiser/Event Producer to be physically unfit to participate in the Event and such person shall accept such decision of the Organiser/Event Producer accordingly.
- All information provided by a participant in the registration form must be true and accurate.
- All entries must be submitted no later than the registration deadline. Entry is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- The Organiser/Event Producer reserves the right to close the registration any time, whether before or after the registration deadline specified, without prior notification.
- The Organiser/Event Producer will charge HK$100 administration fee for the change of participant’s personal data after the submission of application.
- Participants aged 18 or below must have obtained the consent by a parent/guardian.
- Public liability insurance would not be provided by the Organiser. It is recommended that all participants purchase your own personal accident insurance and other relevant insurance according to your needs.
- The Organiser/Event Producer reserves the right to amend the program of the rules and regulations. Should there be disputes, the Organiser/Event Producer reserves the right to the final decision.
- 參加者必須仔細閱讀活動條款、細則及安排。遞交報名後,即表示參加者遵守及接受在此及其後所有主辦機構/活動策劃所引入之一切活動條款、細則及安排。
- 參加者明白及同意活動屬自願參與性質,參加者願意承擔一切風險及責任,並無權向主辦機構/包括大會丶活動策劃及贊助商/支援機構追討由往返活動場地中、活動中發生或其他原因而引致之自身受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追究責任。
- 每位參加者必須確保身體健康狀況是適合參加是次活動。主辦機構/活動策劃在懷疑的情況下,保留取消任何不適宜參加者參加的權利,而相關人士必須接受主辦機構/活動策劃的決定。
- 參加者必須確保在報名表格上之資料正確無誤。
- 參加者須於截止日期或之前遞交報名,名額有限,先到先得。
- 主辦機構/活動策劃有權提早及延遲截止報名日期,而不作任何通知。
- 如參加者在提交報名後需要更改個人資料,主辦機構/活動策劃將收取行政費港幣100元。
- 凡未滿18歲的參加者必須獲得家長或監護人同意才可參加。
- 大會沒有為參加者購買公眾責任保險。為保障個人安全,參加者應自行購買個人意外保險及按需要而購買其他合適的保險。
- 主辦機構/活動策劃保留更改大會條款及細則之權利。如有任何爭議,主辦機構/活動策劃保留最終決定權。